F.O.C.U.S-ing FRIDAY for the WIN!

You guys, how about….instead of a FUCK(ING) IT UP (THIS) FRIDAY

We maybe should have a F.O.C.U.S. Friday!
For those of you that have my latest album, or have been to a show recently, you’ll already know this one
The footage is from the UK/Ireland Tour, and if you came to one of those shows, you might even catch a glimpse of yourself somewhere in the clip….supastaaaarrr!!
I reckon this is the the perfect Friday song (and a pretty good song for Mondays too)
You’ve probably had a gutfull of your more ‘wanky’ co workers
And have been biting your tongue all week, and wishing they would go fuck themselves with a pineapple, or at least get a really itchy STD
But wait!
There’s a cure for that
In the form of this song
ESPECIALLY if they don’t know what F.O.C.U.S. means yet
So crank it up loud, and get the office singing along


And Monday, I’ll be doing a special F.O.C.U.S. giveaway!
Free shit….HUZZAH!!!

Disclaimer: I realise that it’s not really Friday ANYWHERE anymore (except maybe here in the U.S.) please direct all complaints to YOUTUBE – who I had to convince that this was MY song, I wrote it blah blah copyright Nazis. Hence the reason it’s being posted on a Saturday for most of you. On a related note, I need more wine and Imma send YouTube the bill and a FOCUS sticker.


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