A Fuck It Up Friday of one of my OWN songs? Yes I did 👍👍
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Wife Mother Comedian
A Fuck It Up Friday of one of my OWN songs? Yes I did 👍👍
Continue readingSTOKED to be able to finally unveil our BRAND NEW SHOPIFY store This store will be the the place to
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Continue readingOne of my favourite lines in a movie is in ‘Bedtime Stories’, when Adam Sandler says, “For freeeeee?” Whatevs….when most
Continue readingThe Chicago show was last night It was over in a blur After a huge-crazy few days leading up to
Continue readingNow if you, like me….LOVE THE SHIT OUT OF CHRISTMAS! Or if you are a miserable Grinchy bastard someone that’s not
Continue readingJesus, it’s nearly June and someone needs to take their Christmas lights down That’s like, almost half the bloody year
Continue readingThank you all so much for entering this comp…..especially those of you that went nuts and shared the clip a
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