little things

The new album is just about ready and will finally be available through the website soon

Like, hopefully in a week

Digitally, through itunes etc, is going to take a little longer because they’re slowies it has to go through a whole lot of shit process of blah, blah, blah before they can start selling it online

I’ve also started work on a lyrics section for the website

It will be good to go once I sober up and get back to work if I can get my typing skills speed up beyond a 2 year olds level a bit

I’ve been wanting to do that for a while because

  1. I get asked a lot what the fuck I’m saying for the words
  2. now I’ve got somewhere to see lyrics when I forget the fuckers

And…..drum roll please……..

The t-shirts arrived!

I’m pretty stoked about that

And really happy with how they turned out

That little Vietnamese orphanage sweat shop up the road does great work don’t you think?

Now I just have to throw a few in my case and I’ll be packed for the UK

If you’re looking for me, I’ll be the one in the red and black Jenny Talia shirt. I won’t even have to worry about what to wear every day. I’ll just chuck on a JT shirt and be off

How many should I pack? I reckon 2 is good. For a month? Yeah – and I might even wash them too

They’ll be available at all the shows and maybe on the website too

Not sure how to do that though

Will let you know

So it’s all happening and only 3 sleeps until I leave

But for now, it’s off to buy an industrial strength a waxing kit

Hot date tonight with David Beckham Diamond!

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