Macaroni is forever asking, “when will I be old enough to….*insert all the shit she can’t do yet*….?”
She’s obviously not satisfied with my answers or lack thereof
So she made a list and told me her plan is to have them all ticked off by her birthday in October.
Her ninth birthday.
Bless. Her. Heart.
Where’s the whiteboard eraser when you need it?

She forgot, clean my room, get a job and pay mum some rent?
Don’t you just love em!
in fairness, she does dishes, cleans and folds laundry. She is the OPPOSITE of me.
They grow up fast don’t they?! Mind you I had my first boyfriend by the time i was 12!
not. happening.
I completely understand!
Oh bless her lil squishy heart at the last one of community service on there.. lol
I wish I had a half time job
I was going to correct her, but I like the sound of a half time job.
Love how ‘drive’ is right after ‘sit in front seat’. She’s a fast-track girl, that one! Good luck Mama.
I should be happy that ‘drink wine’ isn’t there!
Off subject…but her handwriting is amazing for her age! xx
thanks Leanne, her cursive is even better (I can’t even DO cursive!)