
So, how’s your Monday going?

I’ve never really suffered from the Monday blues

It’s been a long time since I’ve had a real job, working Monday to Friday

And when we’re touring, Monday’s are usually our day off

So I’m normally quite a fan of the ‘MONDAY’

Well I was

My Monday – today, started sucking quite early

The animal shelter called to let us know that we didn’t get Slushy

And I’m like what the fuck? really?


And the lady was really nice and explained that even thought they TOLD me Slushy was a Great Pyrenees / Saint Bernard mix, they weren’t actually sure

And were just guessing

She could be anything, and they knew we were after at least part Great Pyr

So really, it’s not a bad thing

She’s gone to a home that will no doubt love her

And we can keep searching for the exact dog we want

We still want a rescue dog, so it make take a while to find the right one

In the mean time, I’m going to need to get a pair of rain boots

‘Cause Miss 4 has barely stopped crying all day

And I mean, ALL DAY

She stopped a bit for lunch

And then started right back up again

She has never cried. This. Much. Ever

It’s made for quite the sucky day

And theeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeen

I open my email to find one from the hotel Diamond and I are booked in at, next week for our vacay-cay

And it basically says, sorry, but we’re mother fuckers it’s not quite finished

So we won’t be opening until the middle of fucking February

And I think I may have actually invented some new swear words

And then I felt like giving Miss 4 a run for her money in the crying department

What the fuck, right?

So, fast forward through all the phonecalls, yelling at hotel fucktards, and kids whining for a puppy

That has pretty much filled up the entire day

And we’re now on our way out to go and visit some more animal shelters

Miss 4 has stopped crying, and is excited

And our hotel fiasco has been fixed

And we got another FREE holiday out of it all

So from a Monday that was totally sucking arse

And making me a believer in Monday-itis


It’s turned out pretty damn good!

One comment

  1. Even when my “Monday, Monday” turns around, I never get a holiday out of it…Free or otherwise…You REALLY do have a way with words!!!

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