on the road again

I know, totally cheesy, overused title for this blog

But that’s what I am

On the road again

Arrived in the UK at stupid o’clock this morning

But felt better knowing that Anne, who picked me up

Had been up since stupid-er o’clock to drive out to Heathrow to get me

Then we headed out for the long drive to Swansea, in Wales

About 165 miles I think

I was asleep for a lot of the trip

Didn’t get much shuteye on the flight over

But I sure made up for it on the drive today

I was woken up by mum tapping on the window in the car park of the hotel

She missed me

Now she has someone to drink play with

And she doesn’t look like such a wino buying so many drinks at the bar


Tonight’s show was at a beautiful old theatre, The Swansea Grand Theatre

It was built in 1897, and has been beautifully maintained

The last time we were in Swansea, Diamond & Miss 6 (who was Miss 1 at the time) were with me and it was Halloween

It wasn’t widely celebrated in the UK back then, but Diamond was determined to take her trick or treating

We dressed her up as a pumpkin, he put on a Homer Simpson mask and off they went

As you can imagine, when he knocked on people’s door, with his mask on and gruff Chicago accent


People were too scared to open their doors to him

And being unprepared for Halloween with Candy, they just slid money under the door to him so he’d fuck off

So while Miss 6 didn’t score any treats

We were able to start her college fund

Thanks for that Swansea!


Met a couple of people at tonight’s show that are fans of the blog


And Juddie

Told them I’d put their picture up

There you go guys

Great to meet you both!


So it’s good to be back

Great show to start with too

22 more shows on this tour

And if they’re all as good as tonight’s, the next few weeks is going to be nothing but fun

Best I get started on a new video blog then

‘Cause you guys are fucking slave drivers have been emailing that you’ve missed them

Will have a new one up next Monday for you!!


  1. God I know how that stupid o’clock airport run feels. The daughter was due to arrive at 5am this morning on the red eye from Perth to Brissie so up we got at 3!! At 4 the phone rings, she is in Adelaide – two very drunk slags (well you couldn’t call them ladies) started a punch up, then abused the hosties and then one threw up all over the floor and fellow passengers so they diverted the plane and the sweet things were handed into the welcome arms of the federal police. We finally collected her and Miss E at 8.30, had to fight all the peak hour traffic and even got lost because the airport exit has been moved. Fuck!! Not all bad though, we did find Macdonalds. So it’s sleep deprivation all round – pretty quiet at our house today. xx

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