a life in a day

A while ago I heard about an interesting internet thingy that was going on

I couldn’t decide if it was a project or a competition

Or even just a geeky experiment

So I’ll just keep referring to it as a “thingy” shall I?

It’s called A LIFE IN A DAY

Here’s the YOU TUBE site for it

The idea behind A LIFE IN A DAY is for people from all over the world

To film their day

On the same day

The date was 24th July 2010

Once you filmed a day (or parts of) of what you get up to

You submitted it to their youtube site

The entries would then be viewed

And some would be chosen, and edited together

To make a feature length movie

Now, I know one of MY days was never going to end up in a movie

But it sounded like fun

And I always have my camera with me anyway

Plus some of my mates were doing it

That was enough reason for me

What I didn’t do, before making my video

Was read the rules

I know, me, skipping the details…who’d have thunk it?


The rules state that within your video, you need to answer some questions


What’s in your pocket?

My answer, had I read the rules, would have been room key & fairy dust

What do you fear the most?

And my answer would have been, the closing of the tim tams factory & accidentally uploading ‘homemade porn’ to youtube

That’s if one was to MAKE homemade porn, or course


Your video is to have NO music


But the soundtrack to MY life is Cyndi Lauper & Ace of Base

How do I exclude that?

And no profanity

What the fuck Mr Rulemaker?

This is turning out to be a life in SOMEONE ELSE’S DAY dude

So, now that I’ve fucked it up completely

And I’m already disqualified

Disqualified – God that word blows, doesn’t it?

I think for me,  it stems back to grade 5, and the interschool’s swimming carnival

Where I found out the hard way that a full body wetsuit & a snorkles were NOT regulation

I think my sense of fashion & ‘dressing for the occasion’ was lost on the masses

Ummm….where were we

Oh yeah

My movie’s called “UP”

Not like the DISNEY Movie “UP” of course

So there’s no copyright dramas, OK? I haven’t even SEEN the Disney one. But Diamond & the girls said it was hilarious. I didn’t want to see it anyway *sulky face*

Here is my LIFE IN A DAY…



  1. I LOVE your hair. And your boobs. I mean boots.

    The video rocks. Who cares what’s in your pocket? (and i forgot that one in my video too. we need to start our own day in the life.)

  2. That was freaking awesome!!! Can’t wait till you come back to Worthing! I want one of those I Love My Jenny Talia Stickers!

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