an apple a day

Over the years I would hate to think just how much money I’ve spent on computers

And ever since I can remember, I’ve been told just how much better MAC computers are

I never understood why

They looked the same

But were twice as expensive

So why would you buy one?

2 years ago, after my millionth PC shat istself, I bit the bullet

Fuck it, I’ll try a Mac


They were double the price of a regular computer, but they came loaded with all the music, photo & video software that I would normally have to buy as extras

I’ve never looked back

Seriously, can I can get technical with you for a minute?


Cooler, they do so much stuff



So today when I turned on my you-beaut Mac Book Pro

And went into the iphoto program to edit some pictures I’d taken for the blog

I have over 8,000 photos stored, but that’s the beauty of this computer

It handled all my videos and photos and porn  with ease

Until today


When I found my photo library empty



Not a fucking photo in sight 

Words can’t even explain how totally, furiously pissed off I am was

Put it this way, my kids new word for the day is MOTHER FUCKER!!

So I call the help line and was told that my shit hot Macs that is supposedly VIRUS PROOF has been corrupted


I don’t know about you – but that sounds awfully lots like a fucking VIRUS!

So yeah I’m pissed

I’ve been assured that the photos are still in my computer ‘somewhere’

And someone can  get them out for me for a small ransom

And everyone’s been telling me if I had my files backed up, it’s really not a major drama


If I had my files backed up?

Of course I don’t DO


Great, so now this is MY fault?

Don’t answer that!


But as you know 

I’ve always been someone that when life gives me lemons

I make vodka & lemonade

So while I may not have photos of my kids dance recitals and summer holidays any more

I have this

And I’m feeling better already

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