we’ve only just begun…


I’d heard that having children would be the ultimate payback for whatever kind of kid you were.

I assumed that wouldn’t start happening until the teenage years.

Apparently I used to love embarrassing my mum when I was little


And the cycle continues…


While putting shoes on my 3 year old at the gym for t-ball class (in front of at least 10 people)

Mummy, are my feet stinky?

No honey they’re fine. 

Watch out down there mummy I might pop-pop on your head


Oh yeah a big stinky pop-pop right in your face 


Then you could do one too


Then I could do one, and you do one. Then me, then you, then me, then you…

O.K. that’s enough now

A competition mummy. Let’s have a POP-POP COMPETITION!!

Now everyone’s staring. And I think they’ve actually embarrassed her into silence (thank you)


Not quite

You know what. I don’t want to have a competition.

Good. Off you go to t-ball.

(while mummy explains to the other parents that you were dropped on your head as a baby)

Pop- pop competitions are no fun with you mummy. I never win.

Yours are always the stinkiest!


“We’ve only just begun…”

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