I love…

  1. chocolate without guilt
  2. sleeping in on Saturdays
  3. walking out of a shoe shop with lots of bags
  4. hearing my kids belly laugh
  5. sunsets over water
  6. zipping up my favourite jeans with ease
  7. my 10 year old ugg bots
  8. snow on Christmas day
  9. meeting people after the show
  10. going to the movies
  11. long, hot showers
  12. cold milk
  13. online shopping
  14. reading a good book
  15. a good bottle or 5 of red with friends
  16. date night with Diamond
  17. writing a new song
  18. flying
  19. soft, clean sheets on the bed
  20. hotels with good internet
  21. my house
  22. dancing to the radio
  23. bras that fit
  24. being on time
  25. cheap, tacky jewellery
  26. fresh seafood
  27. lipstick that stays put
  28. kids with manners
  29. reading the paper
  30. starbucks latte
  31. nice shaped eyebrows
  32. driving my Dad’s car
  33. walking Fluffy
  34. hearing old stories from my Nan & Pop
  35. a fully charged iphone
  36. soft toilet paper
  37. swimming in freshwater
  38. Lancelin
  39. homemade gifts from my girls
  40. Christmas
  41. my job
  42. grocery shopping at 3am
  43. my guitars
  44. drivers who give way
  45. old people who chew with their mouths closed
  46. 50s & 60s music
  47. black clothes
  48. getting my hair washed at the hairdressers
  49. Cyndi Lauper
  50. & you!

One comment

  1. I Love you too, in fact I love you so much that:
    If you smile, I smile
    If you laugh, I laugh
    If you hurt, I hurt
    If you cry, I cry
    If you jump off a bridge………..
    I’m really gonna miss your blogs.

    Happy belated Valentine’s Day

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