party time

Miss 3’s 4’s birthday yesterday was a lot of fun

I don’t remember much from when I was four

I think I got a whack on the arse for stealing Dad’s cigarettes at about that age


So yesterday we went bowling

Because we’re one of those competive, acitivity-filled, got-to-be-on-the-go kinda familes


We went because Miss 4 wanted to

Just like she wanted to go the International House Of Pancakes for breakfast

“Would you like some pancakes with your whipped cream and sugar rush?”


I suck at bowling

Have only done it a few times

But you could fill up a blooper reel with the hilarious footage of me trying to get that mother fucking bowling ball down the end of the lane

Case in point: I got my arse handed to me by my five year old daughter, who has NEVER bowled before

We played 2 games. She won both of them

Miss 4? Not so much

She spent most of the second game on the toilet – ’cause although SHE loves crap pancakes and sugar for brekky – her butt disagrees

She was OK in the 1st game I guess. Although if she dropped the ball any harder on the ground, it would have gone through the floor

And then it would roll so slowly to the pins it was almost going backwards

But they had a bar there

So Diamond and I got sloshed managed just fine

If you don’t count him fucking up hurting the tendons in his fingers

I know, how’s his form lately?

First there was the bizarre bee bullshit and then the whole skunk story

Poor old Diamond’s been having a rough trot I reckon

Although it could have been worse

It could have been me that hurt my fingers

I know, you’re thinking God you’re hot Jenny you’re a bitch Jenny

But I’m not. Really!

Think about it

If I hurt my fingers – how could I work?

I’m not even talking about the guitar

What if I hurt THE finger?

Forced into an early retirement ’cause my BIRD finger was fucked broken

Yeah, I’m pretty happy is was Diamond

And he’s ambidextrous too , so he’s going to be fine

He’s already managing to scratch his nuts with his other hand just fine

One comment

  1. What is THAT??????? The neck bling or neck of an Kayan Tribal Woman??? 15th Century Supermodel ARMoury??? No fear in breaking that arm…

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