princess rabbit




There are so many different options for kids these days

I don’t really remember doing as many activities as my kids do when I was the their age

I did do ballet for a few weeks.

Got asked to leave

They said a was an uncoordinated spaz probably more suited to arts & crafts. I think they said I was a little pain in the arse disruptive too

Then my brother and I did violin lessons together. I thought I was a natural

They said he was gifted and should have even more lessons

So if I could stop coming – there would be more time for him. Problem solved

Who wants to play the bloody fiddle anyway?


So Miss 5 was in her first play for drama class over the weekend

They got to pick their own costumes. She was a rabbit and decided she needed to be a princess rabbit.

She only had 2 lines

But her shoes matched her skirt!












That’s my girl…

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