giraffe lines

So we’re waiting in line to feed the giraffes at Taronga Zoo

You can buy an animal experience with a seal, snake, koala or giraffe there

The girls chose the giraffes

Because…well, I have no idea

I was going to see of I could get a discount by trading them an animal experience with Miss 3 for the afternoon

But I digress…

In line waiting for our giraffe experience

Miss 5: My leg’s stuck

Me: Huh?

Miss 5: (starting to cry) my leg’s stuuuuuck

Me: (totally wanting to get my camera out and take photos but thinking the other mother’s watching might think I’m not really the fantastic mum I appear to be) Just pull it out

Miss 5: (really crying now) I CAAAAAAN’T

At this point everyone’s staring and have started to crowd around us. They’re offering to mind my stroller or hold Miss 3 for me.

Which I thought was really nice, but would have preferred them to offer to help get MY DAUGHTER’S LEG OUT OF THE FUCKING FENCE

Now there’s zoo staff everywhere, calling more zoo staff and there’s a real scene

I love scenes

Scenes are so much fun

Like fuck 

In the meantime Miss 5 is totally losing her shit and the experts are trying to bend the fence to get her leg out

The fence is made of solid wooden logs

Fucking idiots

Then I hear one ask into his radio

What’s the protocol for removing legs from the fence?

They have a fence-leg-removing protocol?

Fuck me dead – so this happens often?

Time to get a new fence don’t ya think fellas?

So I suggest

How about getting a chainsaw and cutting the fucking fence down?

I said it in my happy voice I swear

Anyway, to cut a long story short – but not by much

We finally got her leg out – she’s fine – just a little red mark on her knee

We went on to feed the giraffes 

And because Miss 5 made them feel bad

She totally got to go straight to the front of the line

Which was pretty cool

Except after that, Miss 3 spent the rest of the day trying to get her head ‘stuck’ in things so she wouldn’t have to line up anymore

Which was kinda funny until we got to the toilets


  1. OMG! This is a replay of my youth at the Dublin Zoo with the giraffes…my fav pick to feed too! Only the zookeepers pulling my foot out of the fence swore at me and clipped me on the side of the head…like true Irishmen! 😉

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